Untitled 2


The Center had collaborated with Puerto Rico municipalities by offering courses to address their needs. The following are examples of such courses.

The Office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico held a one day training aimed to public works Directors, Subdirectors and Supervisors of all the municipalities in the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus. The P.R. Transportation Technology Transfer Center made a presentation about the services offered by the center and how the municipalities can benefit. Personnel from the Office of the Comptroller made presentations about administration procedures.You may see or download the presentations here. They are in Spanish language and in Power Point format. if you don't have Power Point Installed, click to download a Power Point Viewer


Name/Title Company Presentation
Lcdo. Abelardo Casanova
Legal Counselor 
Office of the Comptroller
Los Funcionarios y Empleados Públicos en su Rol de Custodios de los Fondos y la Propiedad Públicos
Alberto Rentas Colón
Audit Manager
Municipality Audits Division
Hallazgos Comunes Detectados en las Operaciones de Obras Públicas Municipales
Herminio Berrios
Audit Manager
Municipality Audits Division
Funciones, Deberes y Aspectos Legales Relacionados al Departamento de Obras Públicas Municipal