The Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center has developed a technical audiovisual library (AV) that currently includes over 300 videotapes in VHS format. The topics include, among general, pavement rehabilitation, asphalt, equipment maintenance, administration and management, traffic and safety. To request this material, you can call the center at 787-834-6385 from 8 AM to 4:30 PM ET.

Design and Construction:

Pasco Demo Project
Evaluation of Automated Pavement Data Collection Equipment; project emphasizes in collection of data to evaluate pavements.
Base and Subbase Repair
Outlines 9-step base repair system: Placing traffic control devices, installing sub-drainage, restoring subgrade and base, replacing pavement surface, cleaning worksite, and removing traffic control devices.
Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Highway
An overview of the Strategic Highway Research Program.
Field Testing Concrete
Consists of 3 parts concerning field testing. Part 1 discusses sampling techniques and temperature considerations. Part 2 explains slump tests and cylinder testing. Part 3 covers air content considerations.
Subsurface Utility Engineering: A Technology for the 90's
Discusses the importance of applying subsurface utility engineering as a component in the development of all highway projects which involved potential conflicts with underground utility facilities.
Ramp Metering; Maintenance Management System; Idea Store; Use of Asphalt-Rubber
Ramp Metering: Explains the Ramp Metering Strategy to mitigate congestion and to increase the capacity of a freeway. Idea Store: Offers some new ideas on maintenance, engineering, communication, equipment, administration, training, and safety.
Construction Management System Series
This series contains: Construction Management Overview, Construction Management Planning, Developing Contract Staffing Guidelines and Planning Values, Manpower Budgeting / Scheduling Procedures and Construction Management Systems, Monitoring and Updating.
Conprobe - Examining the Microsrtucture of Concrete
Video: to better understand how to prevent deterioration and to establish methods of long-term repair.
The Road and the Environment
This is an introduction to practical considerations of road construction in an environmentally-sensitive area. It enables understanding and appreciation for the road planning process and reconstruction, and presents innovative new techniques which lessen the impact on the environment.
Western Federal Lands Highway Division
CD E-Library. FLH Construction Manual, Standrad Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects and FLH Project Development Design Manual.
AASHTO 2002 Roadside Design Guide
Power Point Presentation.
AASHTO 2002 Roadside Design Guide
Video Suplement to Power Point Presentation.
Endangered Species Act Build Smart
It talks about the importance of building smart without harming endangered species. It contains two CD's.
Inspection of Ground Anchors and Soil Nails
Two interactive CD's that provides field inspectors with the backgound knowledge of constructin of ground anchors and instructions for inspection of gropund anchors during contruction.
Gravel Roads Maintenance and Design Manual
A comprehensive manual that addresses most issues that deal with gravel
road maintenance.
Best Practices for Road Weather Management
The Best Practices for Road Weather Management CD, released in August 2002, contains resources to help traffic, emergency and maintenance managers learn how to mitigate the impact of weather threats on roadways. The CD contains: Case studies employed in response to various weather threats including fog, high winds, snow, rain, ice, flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, and avalanches; Listing of road weather publications.
Construction Career Days: A Step into your Future
Documanteal of the first Utah Construction Career Day in 2005. Introduce high school students to the construction career oportunities.
Guidelines for the Selection of W-Beam Barrier Terminals
Provide information about the selection and properly installing the most appropiate terminal design at any site. Showing the actual crash performance of each terminal type.
Excellence in Highway Design
Biennial Awards.