Web Applications Dr. Wolfgang Rolke

here are links to some of my web apps. They are (generally) written with R shiny.

Install R and Shiny on your Computer

To run these apps on your own computer do the following.

1) Download and install R from here

2) Start R by clicking the icon on the desktop. Copy the following text into R and hit enter


you will be asked to pick a download site from a list, just pick any. It will then install a number of packages. When it is done close R by clicking on the x in the upper right corner. You will be asked whether you want to save something, just say no.

Steps 1 - 2 need to be done only once. From now on just click on RolkeShinyApp. It will automatically open R. When it is open type


and hit enter. It will give you a list of the available apps, just type the name of the one you want and then enter. When you are done go back to R, hit the Esc key and close the program by clicking on the x in the upper right corner. You will be asked whether you want to save something, just say no


Note to Instructors: these apps are freely available to anyone. I would appreciate, however, if you let me know that you are using them, as well as your experiences with them. Also, if you have any suggestions for improvements, additions or whole new apps, please let me know!

Some suggestions for what to do with the apps can be found here

Shiny Workshop

go here
Illustration of different sampling strategies (SRS, Stratified, Systematic and Cluster) sampling.zip

Construct a Frequency Table and Histogram histogram.zip

Mean or Median? meanmedian.zip

Calculate a Standard Deviation standdev.zip

Empirical Rule emprule.zip

Online Now! Drawing a Boxplot boxplot.zip

The Geometric Distribution geom.zip

The Normal Distribution normal.zip

Illustrate Probabilities under a Normal Curve normalprob.zip

Central Limit Theorem clt.zip

Illustration of the Meaning of a Confidence Interval confint.zip

Illustration of the concept of p Value pvalue.zip

Online Now! Illustration of the Meaning of the Correlation Coefficient correlation.zip

Random Problem Generator for Statistical Inference infproblems.zip

Illustration of the concept of Power of a Test using Proportions powerProp.zip

Illustration of the concept of Power of a Test using the Mean powerMean.zip

Chisquare analysis of a 2x2 table 2_2_table.zip

Twosample t Test twosample.zip

Online Now! Illustration of Least Squares Regression lsr.zip

Calculations for the Correlation Coefficient and of Least Squares Regression corcalc.zip

Assumptions of Least Squares Regression assumptionsLSR.zip

Illustration of the Idea behind Analysis of Variance anova.zip

Draws Graphs for some standard Distributions graphs.zip

Transformations transformations.zip

Polynomial Regression polyreg.zip

Online Now! Taylor Approximation taylor.zip

Approximating an Integral by a Riemann sum integral.zip

Illustration of several Numerical Integration Methods numint.zip

Random Walk in 1, 2 or 3 Dimensions rw.zip