
Classification Examples

In this section we will study the performance of the classification methods discussed earlier. We will use the miss-classification rate and cross-validation.

As we saw, each of the methods has a slightly different list of arguments. It will therefore be worthwhile to write a single routine that does them all.

do.class <- function(df, I, B=100, which=1:6) {
  miss.rate <- matrix(0, B, 7)
  n <- dim(df)[1]
  colnames(miss.rate) <- c("LDA", "QDA", "Tree", "NN", 
                        "SVM", "knn 3", "knn 9")
  for(i in 1:B) {
    I <- sample(1:n, size=floor(n/2))
    train <- df[I, ]
    colnames(train)[1] <- "group"
    if(1 %in% which) {
      fit <- lda(group~., data=train)
      pred <- predict(fit, df[-I, -1])$class
      miss.rate[i, "LDA"] <- msr(factor(df[-I, 1]), pred)
    if(2 %in% which) {
      fit <- qda(group~., data=train)
      pred <- predict(fit, df[-I, -1])$class
      miss.rate[i, "QDA"] <- msr(factor(df[-I, 1]), pred)
    if(3 %in% which) {    
      fit <-rpart(group~., data=train, method = "class")
      pred <- predict(fit, df[-I, -1], type="class")
      miss.rate[i, "Tree"] <- msr(factor(df[-I, 1]), pred)
    if(4 %in% which) {    
      fit <- nnet(factor(group)~., data=train, size=2, 
               rang = 0.1, trace=0,
              decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200)
      pred <- predict(fit, df[-I, -1], type="class")
      miss.rate[i, "NN"] <- msr(df[-I, 1], pred)
    if(5 %in% which) {    
      fit <- svm(factor(group)~., data=train)
      pred <- predict(fit, df[-I, -1])
      miss.rate[i, "SVM"] <- msr(df[-I, 1], pred)
    if(6 %in% which) {    
      pred <-  factor(
       knn(df[I, -1], df[-I, -1], cl=df[I, 1], k=3))
      miss.rate[i, "knn 3"] <- msr(factor(df[-I, 1]), pred)
    if(7 %in% which) {    
      pred <-  factor(
       knn(df[I, -1], df[-I, -1], cl=df[I, 1], k=9))
      miss.rate[i, "knn 9"] <- msr(factor(df[-I, 1]), pred)
  apply(miss.rate[, which], 2, mean)
df <- gen.ex(1)
sort(do.class(df[, c(3, 1, 2)]))
##   LDA   QDA   SVM    NN knn 3  Tree 
##  8.40  9.16  9.16 10.40 10.54 15.26
df <- gen.ex(2)
sort(do.class(df[, c(3, 1, 2)]))
##   SVM   QDA knn 3    NN  Tree   LDA 
##  5.74  6.92  8.52 10.92 15.56 18.60
df <- gen.ex(3)
sort(do.class(df[, c(3, 1, 2)]))
##     NN    LDA    QDA    SVM  knn 3   Tree 
##  9.666  9.772  9.983 10.544 11.188 18.585

Example: Fisher’s Iris

sort(do.class(iris[, c(5, 1:4)]))
##   LDA   QDA    NN knn 3   SVM  Tree 
## 2.570 3.293 4.729 4.802 4.876 6.417

Example: Kypthosis

## Error in qda.default(x, grouping, ...): some group is too small for 'qda'

QDA does not work here. Essentially there is not enough data to fit a quadratic model. So

sort(do.class(kyphosis, which=c(1, 3:7)))
##    LDA    SVM  knn 9     NN   Tree  knn 3 
## 21.521 21.667 23.375 24.252 24.789 25.103

Example: Painters

The subjective assessment, on a 0 to 20 integer scale, of 54 classical painters. The painters were assessed on four characteristics: composition, drawing, colour and expression. They were also grouped in 8 “Schools”. The data is due to the Eighteenth century art critic, de Piles.

Composition Drawing Colour Expression School
Da Udine 10 8 16 3 A
Da Vinci 15 16 4 14 A
Del Piombo 8 13 16 7 A
Del Sarto 12 16 9 8 A
Fr. Penni 0 15 8 0 A
Guilio Romano 15 16 4 14 A
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 2)))
print(ggplot(data=painters, aes(School, Composition)) +
    vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
print(ggplot(data=painters, aes(School, Drawing)) +
    vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))        
print(ggplot(data=painters, aes(School, Colour)) +
    vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
print(ggplot(data=painters, aes(School, Expression)) +
    vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2))        

sort(do.class(painters[, c(5, 1:4)]))
## Error in qda.default(x, grouping, ...): some group is too small for 'qda'

Again QDA does not work here. So

sort(do.class(painters[, c(5, 1:4)], which=c(1, 3:7)))
##    LDA    SVM  knn 3   Tree  knn 9     NN 
## 70.733 75.728 78.688 78.799 80.945 84.497

and this is clearly a very difficult classification problem, none of the methods does well.

It should also be pointed out that we have used all these methods essentially with their defaults. In real life one would play around with the tuning parameters to get better performance.