Stochastic Processes

Any collection of random vectors {Xt,t∈T} is called a stochastic process. All the values that the random variables Xt can take on are called the state space. Because Xt is a regular random variable (or vector) we again differentiate between continuous and discrete state space cases. Moreover T can be discrete (1,2,..) or continuous (t>0) as well.


Let Xi~U[0,1], i=1,2,.. Xi independent of Xj, then {Xi, i=1,2,..} is a continuous state space discrete time process.


Let Xi∈{0,..,39} the position on the board of your token after i roles of the dice in a game of Monopoly. Then {Xi, i=1,2,..} is a discrete state space discrete time process.


Let P(Zi=-1)=p=1-P(Zi=1), Zi independent from Zj if i≠j. Let

then Xn∈{0,±1,±2,..} and so {Xn, n=1,2,..} is a discrete state space discrete time process. This is a very famous stochastic process called a random walk.

Here is a list of things we often want to know about a stochastic process:

• what is the distribution of Xn, especially in the limit?

• what is EXn, especially in the limit?

• what is cor(Xn,Xn+k)?