R Commands

In general you can always find the argument list of a function f by typing args(f) and get a detailed description by typing help(f).

apply(x,1,f) (or apply(x,2,f)) apply function f to each row (or column) of matrix x
c(1:5,7) Returns vector with numbers 1 to 5 and 7
cbind(x,y,z) (r rbind(x,y,z)) make a matrix with columns (or rows) from x,y and z
ceiling(x) (and floor(x)) smallest integer greater or equal to x
cumsum(x) at each index i have x[1]+..+x[i]
Distributions Leading r (like rnorm) returns a random sample
Leading d (like dnorm) returns density
Leading p (like pnorm) returns a cdf
Leading q (like qnorm) returns quantiles
hist(x) draws a histogram of data in x
ifelse(x>5,0,1) if x>5 return 0, otherwise return 1
lines(x,y) add a line to a graph
ls() or objects() return a listing of the functions (like “dir”)
matrix(0,3,5) initialize a matrix with 3 columns and 5 rows with zeros
x[order(y)] sort vector x according to the order in vector y
par() sets up a graphic, things such as more than one graph on 1 page, margins, titles etc.
paste(“A”,1:5,sep="") make a vector of characters “A1”, .., “A5”
plot(x,y) Scatterplot of x vs. y
print(c(x,y)) output vector c(x,y) to screen
quantile(x,0.8) finds the 80th percentile of the vector x
x = rep(1,10) Initializes a vector x of length 10 with 1s
sample(x,size=n,replace=F) take a random sample from vector x
seq(0,10,length=100) generates a vector of length 100 with numbers equally spaced from 0 to 10
segments(x1,y1,x2,y2) adds line segments from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) to a graph
sort(x) obvious
table(x) or table(x,y) tabulate the values in x, cross-tabulate the values in x and y