Some Standard Random Variables

Bernoulli Distribution

A r.v. X is said have a Bernoulli distribution with success parameter p if P(X=0)=1-p and P(X=1)=p.
Note: often you see q = 1-p used
Shorthand: X ~ Ber(p)
EX = 0q+1p = p
EX2 = 02q+12p = p, so V(X) = EX2-(EX)2 = p-p2 = pq

Binomial Distribution

Say X1, … , Xn ~ Ber(p), Xi\(\perp\)Xj \(\forall\) i≠j, then X = ∑Xi is said to have a Binomial distribution with parameters n and p. We have


A company wants to hire 5 new employees. From previous experience they know that about 1 in 10 applicants are suitable for the jobs. What is the probability that if they interview 20 applicants they will be able to fill those 5 positions?
Consider each interview a “trial” with the only two possible outcomes: “success” (can be hired) or “failure” (not suitable). Assumptions:
1) “success probability” is the same for all applicants (as long as we know nothing else about them the probability is 1/10 for all of them)
2) trials are independent (depends somewhat on the setup of the interviews but should be ok)
then if we let X = “#number of suitable applicants in the group of 20” we have X~B(20,0.1) and so

Geometric Distribution

Say X1, X2, .. are iid Ber(p) and let Y be the number of trials needed until the first success. Then Y is said to have a geometric distribution with rate p and we have


How many applicants will the company need to interview to be 90% sure to be able to fill at least one of the five positions?
if we let Y be the number of trials until the first success (= an applicant is suitable) we have Y~G(0.1). Then

Negative Binomial Distribution

Despite the different name this is actually a generalization of the geometric, namely where Y is the number of trials needed until the rth success.


How many applicants will the company need to interview to be 90% sure to be able to fill all of the five positions?
if we let Y be the number of trials until the 5th success we have Y~NB(0.1,5). Doing the calculations by hand is rather ugly, because of the binomial coefficients. Using a computer program we can find the answer to be 78. (Note: it is not 5*20=100!)

Hypergeometric Distribution

Consider an urn containing N+M balls, of which N are white and M are black. If a sample of size n is chosen at random and if X is the number of white balls chosen, then X has a hypergeometric distribution with parameters (n,N,M).


say our company has a pool of 100 candidates for the job, 10 of whom are suitable for hiring. If they interview 50 of the 100, what is the probability that they will fill the 5 positions?
Here X~HG(50,10,90) and so P(X≥5) = 1- P(X≤4) = 1 - 0.3703 = 0.6297
Again doing this by hand is not advisable!

Note: the difference between the binomial and the hypergeometric distribution is that here we draw the balls without repetition. Of course, if n is small compared to N+M the probability of drawing the same ball twice is (almost) 0, so then the two distributions give (almost) the same answer.

Poisson Distribution

A random variable X is said to have a Poisson distribution with rate λ if

One way to visualize the Poisson distribution is as follows say X ~ B(n,p) such that n is large and p is small. That is the number of trials is large but the success probability is small. Then X is approximately Poisson with rate λ = np.


say you drive from Mayaguez to San Juan. Assume that the probability that on one kilometer of highway there is a police car checking the speed is 0.04. What is the probability that you will encounter at least 3 police cars on your drive?
If we assume that the police cars appear independently (?) then X = # of police cars ~ B(180,0.04), so P(X≥3) = 1 - P(X≤2) = 1 - 0.0234 = 0.9766. One the other hand X is also approximately P(180*0.04) = P(7.2) and so P(X≥3) = 1 - P(X≤2) = 1 - 0.0254 = 0.9746.

Multinomial Distribution

This is an example of a discrete random vector. It is also a generalization of the Binomial. Consider an experiment having a total of r possible outcomes, with corresponding probabilities p1, .., pr. Now perform independent replications of this experiment and let Xi record the number of times the ith outcome is observed in the n trials. Then (X1, .., Xr) has a multinomial distribution with parameters n, p1, .., pr. We have

Next we have a look at some continuous distributions:

Uniform Distribution

X is said to have a uniform distribution on the interval [A,B] if

Exponential Distribution

X is said to have an exponential distribution rate λ if

The exponential random variable has an interesting (and for a continuous r.v. unique!) property - called the memoryless property:


X has an exponential distribution iff X is a positive continuous r.v. and P(X>s+t | X>s) = P(X>t) for all s,t > 0.

Proof Assume X~E(λ). Then

To do the revers assume X is continuous with density f and P(X>s+t | X>s) = P(X>t) for all s,t > 0. In the proof above we saw that this implies P(X>s+t)=P(X>s)*P(X>t). Let h(x) = P(X>x) and let \(\epsilon>0\). Note h(0) = P(X>0) = 1 because X is positive.

and so we see X~E(β)

The Gamma Distribution

Recall the gamma function:

The gamma function is famous for many things, among them the relationship Γ(α+1) = α Γ(α) which implies Γ(n)=(n-1)!. Also, we have Γ2(1/2) = π

Now X is said have a gamma distribution (X~Γ(α,β)) with parameters (α,β) if

By definition we have X>0, and so the Gamma is the basic example of a r.v. on [0,∞], or a little more general (using a change of variables) on any open half interval

Note if X~Γ(1,β) then X~E(1/β).

Another important special case is if X~Γ(n/2,2), then X is called a Chi-square r.v. with n degrees of freedom, denoted by \(X\sim \chi(n)\).

There is an important connection between the gamma and the Poisson distributions:
If X~Γ(n,β) and Y~P(x/β) then
P(X≤x) = P(Y≥n)

The Beta Distribution

X is said to have a beta distribution with parameters α and β (X~Beta(α,β)) if

By definition we have 0<X<1, and so the Beta is the basic example of a r.v. on [0,1], or a little more general (using a change of variables) on any finite interval.

Special case: Beta(1,1) = U[0,1]

Let’s go back to the gamma distribution for a moment. Say X and Y are independent Γ(α,β) and let Z=X+Y. Then

so we see that Z~Γ(2a,β). In other words, the sum of independent gamma r.v.’s is again Gamma.

Some special cases:
1) X,Y iid E(λ) then X+Y~Γ(2,λ) (and not exponential)
2) X,Y iid \(\chi(n)\), then \(X+Y\sim \chi(2n)\)

The Normal (Gaussian) Distribution

X is said to have a normal distribution with mean μ and variance \(\sigma^2\) (X~N(μ,\(\sigma\))) if it has density

Of course we have EX=μ and V(X)=\(\sigma\)2

Careful: some papers and textbooks define the normal as X~N(μ,\(\sigma^2\)), that is they use the variance instead of the standard deviation.

We also have the following interesting features:
1) If X ~ N(μX,\(\sigma\)X) and YN(μY,\(\sigma\)Y~) then

\[Z = X + Y \sim N(\mu_X+\mu_Y,\sqrt{\sigma_X^2+\sigma_Y^2+2\sigma_X\sigma_Y\rho})\]

where ρ = cor(X,Y)
2) if cov(X,Y) = 0 then X and Y are independent
3) P(X>μ) = P(X<μ) =1/2
4) P(X>μ+x) = P(X<μ-x)
5) say X~N(μ,\(\sigma\)) then


Say \(X\sim N(μ,\sigma)\) then the mgf of X exists \(\forall t\) and is given by \(\psi\)(t) = exp{μt+½\(\sigma\)2t2}

Proof First we deal with the case of a standard normal Z~N(0,1):

Now we have

\[ \begin{aligned} &\psi_X(t) = \psi_{\sigma Z+t}(t)=\\ &\psi_Z(\sigma t)e^{\mu t} = \\ &\exp\{\mu t+\frac12 \sigma^2 t^2 \} \\ \end{aligned} \]

A very nice tool describing these and many other distributions as well as their relationships was created by Lawrance M. Leemis and Raghu Pasupathy and is discribed in their Chance August 2019 article “The ties that bind” can be found at