Poisson Process and Renewal Theory

Poisson Process

Basic Definition and Examples

The Poisson process N(t) is an example of a counting process, that is N(t) is the number of times something has happened up to time t. Therefore N(t)∈{0,1,2..}, so it is a discrete-state space process . t ∈[0,∞), so it has a continuous state-space.


Consider an ATM machine and let N(t) be the number of customers served by the ATM machine at time t.

Because of the way it is defined every counting process has the following properties:

  1. N(t)≥0
  2. N(t) is an integer
  3. If s<t then N(s)≤N(t)
  4. If s<t then N(t)-N(s) is the number of events that have occurred in the interval (s,t].


Let {N(t);t≥0} be a counting process. Then

  1. {N(t);t≥0} is said to have independent increments if the number of events that occur in disjoint intervals are independent.

  2. {N(t);t≥0} is said to have stationary increments if the distribution of the number of events that occur in any interval of time depend only on the length of the interval.


The process of our ATM machine probably has independent increments but not stationary increments. Why?

The most important example of a counting process is the Poisson process. To define it we need the following notation, called

Landau’s o symbol:

a function f is said to be o(h) if limh→0f(h)/h = 0

Example f(x)=x2 is o(h) but f(x)=x is not.


o(h) ± k*o(h) = o(h)


A counting process {N(t);t≥0} is said to be a Poisson process with rate λ>0 if

  1. N(0)=0
  2. N(t) has stationary and independent increments
  3. P(N(h)=1) = λh + o(h)
  4. P(N(h)≥2) = o(h)

Notice that this implies that during a short time period the probability of an event occurring is proportional to the length of the interval and the probability of a second (or even more) events occurring is very small.


A machine is producing small electronic parts, about 100 per hour. On average 1 in 30 is defective. Let X(t) be the number of defective parts produced up to time t.

Let’s assume that just having produced a good (or bad) part does not change the probability of the next part being good (or bad). Moreover the rate of bad parts (1 in 30) stays the same over time. Then X(t) is a Poisson process.


Let {N(t);t≥0} be a Poisson process with rate λ, then
N(t+s)-N(s) ~ Pois(λt)

Proof Let pn = P(N(t)=n). Then

where the last equation follows from

(P(N(h)=0) = 1-P(N(h)≥1) = 1-P(N(h)=1) - P(N(h)≥2)


for the case pn(t) we will use proof by induction: Assume


It is intuitively clear why the definition above should lead to the Poisson distribution. Take the interval (0,t] and subdivide it into k equal size intervals (0,t/k], (t.k, 2t/k) .. ((k-1)t/k,t]. The probability of 2 or more events in any one interval goes to 0 as k goes to ∞ because

P(2 or more events in any subinterval)

≤ ∑P(2 or more events in the kth subinterval) (by Boole’s inequality)

= k*o(t/k)

= t×o(t/k)/(t/k) → 0 as k →∞

Hence N(t) will (with probability going to 1) just equal the number of subintervals in which an event occurs. However, by independent and stationary increments this number will have a binomial distribution with parameters k and p=λt+o(t/k). hence by the Poisson approximation to the Binomial we see that N(t) will have a Poisson distribution with rate λt.


A machine is producing small electronic parts, about 100 per hour. On average 1 in 30 is defective. Let X(t) be the number of defective parts produced up to time t.

What is the probability that no defective part is produced between 10am and 11:30am?

First the time is irrelevant, only the fact that we are looking at a 1.5 hour time period (stationary increments)

Now 100*1/30 = 10/3 = λ, so X(t)~Pois(10/3t), so X(1.5)~Pois(10/3*1.5)=Pois(5)

P(X(1.5)=0) = 50/0!*exp(-5) = 0.0067

Say each defective part costs the company $3.25. What is the expected cost per day if the machine run 16 hours (two 8 hour shifts)?


EX(16)*3.25 = 53.3*3.25 = $173.33

Interarrival and Waiting Times


Let T1 be the time when the first event occurs, T2 the time from the first event until the second event etc. The sequence T1, T2, .. is called the sequence of interarrival times.


Let {N(t);t≥0} be a Poisson process, and {Ti;i≥1} be the interarrival times. Then T1, T2, .. are iid Exp(λ)

Proof Note that {T1>t} is equivalent to {no events occurred in (0,t]} and so

and we see that T1 ~ Exp(λ). But

because of independent and stationary increments. So we find that T2 ~ Exp(λ) and that T1 \(\perp\) T2. By induction it is clear that the sequence {Tn,n=1,2,..} is an iid sequence of exponential r.v. with rate λ.


This result should not come as a surprise because the assumption of independent and stationary increments means that the process from any moment on is independent of all that occurred before and also has the same distribution as the process started at 0. In other words the process is memoryless, and we have previously shown that any continuous rv on (0,∞) with the memoryless property has to have an exponential distribution.


Let Sn be the arrival time of the nth event (This is also often called the waiting time until the nth event).


Let {N(t);t≥0} be a Poisson process, and {Sn;n≥1} be the waiting times. Then

\[S_n\sim \Gamma(n,1/\lambda)\]

Note: our definition of the Gamma density is

\[f(x;\alpha,\beta)=\frac1{\Gamma(\alpha)\beta^\alpha}x^{\alpha-1}\exp\{-x/\beta\}\] so \(X\sim Exp(\lambda)\), then \(f(x;\lambda)=\lambda \exp\{-\lambda x\}\), so \(X\sim \Gamma(1,1/\lambda)\)

Proof Clearly Sn = ∑ni=1Ti, and so we find Sn ~ Γ(n,1/λ).


Up to yesterday a store has 999,856 customers. They are planning to hold a little party when the 1,000,000th customer comes into the store. From experience they know that a customer arrives about every 4 minutes, and the store is open from 9am to 6pm. What is the probability that they will have the party today?

They will have the party if at least 144 customers come into the store today. Let’s assume that the customers arrive according to a Poisson process with rate 4min (?), that is \(\lambda=1/4\). We want the probability P(S144 < 9× 60). Now S144 ~Γ(144, 4) and
P(S144 < 540) = 0.23.

Here is another proof of the last proposition. We use the fact that the nth event occurs at or before time t if and only if the number of events occurring by time t is at least n. So

N(t)≥n Sn≤t

This is a very useful equivalence, and much more general than just for the Poisson process, so here is an illustration:

With this we find

so Sn~Γ(n,λ)


Say that on any given day hundreds of cars pass through a certain intersection. Any one of them has a (hopefully small) probability of having an accident at that intersection. Let X(t) be the number of accidents in t days, then is X(t) a Poisson process?

There are two problems with the assumptions of the Poisson process here:

  1. different days might have different numbers of cars going through (weekdays vs. weekends)

  2. probability of having an accident is probably very different for different cars.

The first problem might be handled by considering a different time-scale (accidents per week?), the second problem actually is not a problem at all:


let Z1, Z2, .. be independent Bernoulli rv’s with P(Zi=1)=pi. Let Sn=Z1+..+Zn. Then if λ=p1+..+pn we have

In the “classic” case where p1=..=pn=p=λ/n we have

and we see that this theorem not only gives us reason to think that the Poisson approximation works in the example above, it also provides a useful estimate of the error in the Poisson approximation to the Binomial.

So a counting process with independent and stationary increments whose interarrival times are not exponential cannot be a Poisson process. How about the reverse?


Let {N(t);t≥0} be a counting process with independent and stationary increments. Let {Ti;i=1,2,..} be the interarrival times. If the Ti are independent and have an exponential distribution, N is a Poisson process.


by the resoning above we have

\[ \begin{aligned} &P(N(t)=k) = \\ &P(N(t)\ge k)-P(N(t)\ge k+1) = \\ &P(S(k)\le t)-P(S(k+1)\le t) \end{aligned} \]

now \[ \begin{aligned} &P(S(k+1)\le t) = \\ & \int_0^t \frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k+1}}x^k\exp\{-x/\lambda\}dx = \\ &-\frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k}}x^k\exp\{-x/\lambda\}|_0^t- \int_0^t -\frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k}}kx^{k-1}\exp\{-x/\lambda\}dx = \\ &-\frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k}}t^k\exp\{-t/\lambda\}+ \int_0^t \frac{1}{\Gamma(k)\lambda^{k}}x^{k-1}\exp\{-x/\lambda\}dx = \\ &-\frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k}}t^k\exp\{-t/\lambda\}+P(S(k)\le t) \end{aligned} \] and so

\[ \begin{aligned} &P(N(t)=k) = \\ &P(S(k)\le t)-P(S(k+1)\le t) =\\ &P(S(k)\le t)-(-\frac{1}{\Gamma(k+1)\lambda^{k}}t^k\exp\{-t/\lambda\}+P(S(k)\le t)) = \\ &\frac{(t/\lambda)^k}{k!}\exp\{-t/\lambda\} \end{aligned} \] and so \(N(t)\sim Pois(t/\lambda)\)

Up to now we thought of the variable t as “time”. Poisson processes occur however in other situations as well:

Consider events occurring along the positive axis [0,∞) as shown here

Examples of such processes are the time points in X-ray emissions of radioactive material, location of faults in lengths of cables, positions of skin cancer cells etc.

Let N((a,b]) the number of events in the interval (a,b] That is if t1<t2<t3<.. denote the locations of events, then N((a,b]) is the number of values ti for which a<ti≤b.

Now let’s make the following postulates:

  1. The number of events happening in disjoint intervals are independent

  2. For any t,h>0 the distribution of N((t,t+h]) does not depend on t (events are equally likely anywhere on (0,∞))

  3. There is a positive constant λ for which P{N((t,t+h)≥1}=λh+o(h)

  4. There is a positive constant λ for which P{N((t,t+h)≥2}=o(h)


Any process satisfying 1-4 is a Poisson process.


first note that 2) implies that N((s,t]) has the same distribution as N((0,t-s]), so it is enough to find the distribution of N((0,t]) for all t>0.

let’s divide the interval (0,t] into n subintervals of equal length h=t/n, and let Zi=1 if there is at least one event in ((i-1)t/n,it/n], 0 otherwise. Then Sn=Z1+..+Zn counts the total number of intervals that contain at least one event. Moreover by 3)

pi = P(Zi=1) = λt/n+o(t/n)


Conditional Distribution of Arrival Times

Let W1 be the time of the first arrival (S1 from before). Then

and so W1|N(t)=1 ~U[0,t]  

This result is not surprising because given that at time t there was one event, the time when this event actually happened could equally likely be in any time interval of equal length by independent and stationary increments.

This result generalizes to N(t)=n. To do so we need the following


Say U1,..,Un~U[0,1] and indep., Let U[i] be the ith order statistic, the ordered set of values of U1,..,Un.

Then it can be shown that (U[1],..,U[n]) has joint density

f(u[1],..,u[n])=n! if u[1]<..<u[n]

The proof can be done using our transformation theorem for continuous random vectors, but the result is fairly obvious: there are n! permutations of n (distinct) numbers, exactly one of which is from smallest to largest.

If V~[0,1] then U=tV~U[0,t], so f(u)=1/t


if V1,..,Vn~U[0,1] and indep., and Ui=tVi then

(U[1],..,U[n]) has joint density f(u[1],..,u[n])=n!/tn if u[1]<..<u[n]

Let Wi=U[i]. Now


let W1,W2,.. be the occurrence times in a Poisson process with rate λ. Then

In other words, conditional on the total number of arrivals the arrival times have the same distribution as the order statistic of a uniform.


Let 0 < t1 < t2 < .. < tn < t and let h be small enough so that ti+hi<ti+1. Now


say {N(t),t≥0} is a Poisson process with rate λ. Find the mean time of the first event, given that N(1)=n, n≥1.


Customers arrive at a store according to a Poisson process of rate λ. Each customer pays $1 on arrival, and we want to evaluate the expected value of the total sum collected during (0,t] discounted back to time 0. If the the discount (inflation) rate is β, then this is given by



say customers arrive at a store according to a Poisson process of 13 per hour. At the end of a 13hour day (8am to 9pm) 160 customers had been in the store. What is the probability that at most 50 of them arrive before 12noon?

So we have {N(t);t≥0} is Poisson process with N(t)~Pois(t/13) (t in hours). We want to know

P(N(4)≤50 | N(13)=160)

So if 0<u<t and 0≤k≤n we have

and so N(u)|N(t)=n ~ Bin(n,u/t). Therefore

P(N(4)≤50 | N(13)=160) = pbinom(50,160,4/13) = 0.59

Stopping Times


say {X(t);t≥0} is a Poisson process rate λ. Let T~Exp(p) and assume X(t) is independent of T for all
T. Find the density of X(T).

so X(T)+1~Geom(p/(λ+p)

This is an example of a stochastic process sampled at a random time


E[X(T)] = E[X(T)+1]-1 = (λ+p)/p-1 = λ/p


E[X(T)] = E[E{X(T)|T}] = E[λT] = λE[T] = λ/p


Suppose travelers arrive at a train station according to a Poisson process rate λ. If the train departs at time t, let us find the expected sum of the waiting times of all the travelers, which is


Find E[N(t)N(t+s)]