MCMC - Markov Chain Monte Carlo

The starting point of this section is the result that if the Markov chain {Xn} is irreducible and ergodic, then

The idea is to use this as follows: say I want to generate data from a distribution π. Now if I can find an irreducible and ergodic Markov chain {Xn} which has π as its stationary measure, we can generate observations from {Xn}, wait a while until its limiting distribution is reached (?) and then take the {Xn} as if they came from π.

The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Let’s say we want to generate observations from a distribution π on 1,..,m. Let Q be the transition probability matrix of an irreducible Markov chain on 1,..,m. Define the Markov chain {Xn} as follows: When Xn=i a r.v. X such that P(X=j)=qij is generated. (This of course means we need to know how to generate observations from Q). If X=j, then set Xn+1=j with probability αij and equal to i with probability 1-αij. Now Xn is a Markov chain with transition probabilities given by:

Now this Markov chain will be time-reversible and have stationary measure π if

πiPijjPji for all j≠i

This is equivalent to


and is easy to check that this will be satisfied if we set

One of the reasons this algorithm is so useful is the following: say we only know the values in π up to a constant, that is we have a sequence {bj,j=1,..m}, bj≥0 and ∑bj=B. We want to generate observations from π with πj=bj/B. Then the above algorithm works without the need to find B because

This is great because for example if we want to generate data from a posterior distribution B is the integral over the marginal distribution, which might be very difficult to find.

With this we get the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm:

  1. Choose an irreducible Markov chain with transition probabilities Q and choose some integer k between 1 and m
  2. Let n=0 and X0=k
  3. generate a r.v. X such that P(X=j)=qx0j and generate U~U[0,1]
  4. If U < bXqX,Xn/bXnqXn,X then NS=X, else NS=Xn
  5. n=n+1, Xn=NS
  6. Go to 3

Notice the similarities between this algorithm and the accept-reject method. The main differences, and the reason this algorithm is so useful, are that here we don’t need to find c, which usually requires a maximization and we don’t need B, as discussed above. The downside is that we need to generate X’s until the chain has reached its stationary distribution.

Notice another nice thing about this algorithm: we get a new observation in each step (either X or Xn) whereas in the accept-reject method we might need to generate several random variables before accepting one.


Let’s start with a very simple example: X~Geom(p).

How do we find an irreducible Markov chain with transition probabilities Q? Here is a very simple one: if the last observation was x we choose Y at random from x-1, x or x +1. (This type of chain “pick a point close to the last one at random” is often called a random walk proposal and is quite popular) With this we find

and the algorithm becomes:

  1. x0=1

  2. for i=2,..n

generate U~U[0,1] and YU{xi-1-1,xi-1,xi-1~+1}

if U<(1-p)^(y-xi-1) xi=y otherwise xi=xi-1

here is the R routine:

mcmc.geom <-  function (p=0.5, nb=1000 ,n=10000)  {  
  for(i in 2:(n+nb)) {  
    y=sample(c(-1,0,1), size=1)+x[i-1]  
    if(y<1) {x[i]=x[i-1]; next}  
    if(runif(1)<(1-p)^(y-x[i-1])) x[i]=y  
    else x[i]=x[i-1]  
  plot(cumsum(x)/1:(n+nb), type="l")  
  rbind(x/n, p*(1-p)^(z-1))  

##           1      2      3      4       5        6         7
## [1,] 0.5048 0.2556 0.1231 0.0603 0.02860 0.016700 0.0073000
## [2,] 0.5000 0.2500 0.1250 0.0625 0.03125 0.015625 0.0078125
##               8           9           10
## [1,] 0.00170000 0.001700000 0.0002000000
## [2,] 0.00390625 0.001953125 0.0009765625

How about the time needed until the stationary distribution is reached? This is called the “burn-in” period.

One way to check this is to graph the means of the observations vs their index


Let’s say we want to generate X~N(μ,σ). We try two proposals, both “Random Walk” types:

  1. U[x-ε,x+ε] for some ε>0.
  2. N(x,ε) for some ε>0.

For a) we have

qxy=1 if x-ε<y<x+ε, 0 otherwise,

(actually q=1/(2ε) but constants don’t matter!) and for b) we get


So the algorithm uses:

1a) X=runif(1,Xn-ε,Xn+ε])
1b) X=rnorm(1,Xn,ε)

2a) bXqX,Xn/bXnqXn,X = dnorm(X,μ,σ)/dnorm(Xn,μ,σ)
2b) bXqX,Xn/bXnqXn,X = dnorm(X,μ,σ)dnorm(Xn,X,ε)/(dnorm(Xn,μ,σ)dnorm(X,Xn,ε))

This is implemented in mcmc2.

 mcmc.norm <- function (method = 1, n = 10000, eps = 1, mu = 0, sig = 1) 
    Xn <- rep(0, n)
    for (i in 2:n) {
        U <- runif(1)
        Accept <- F
        if (method == 1) {
            X <- runif(1, Xn[i - 1] - eps, Xn[i - 1] + eps)
            if (U < dnorm(X, mu, sig)/dnorm(Xn[i - 1], mu, sig)) 
                Accept <- T
        if (method == 2) {
            X <- rnorm(1, Xn[i - 1], eps)
            if (U < dnorm(X, mu, sig) * dnorm(Xn[i - 1], X, eps)/dnorm(Xn[i - 
                1], mu, sig)/dnorm(X, Xn[i - 1], eps)) 
                Accept <- T
        if (Accept) {
            NS <- X
        else {
            NS <- Xn[i - 1]
        Xn[i] <- NS
    par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    plot(1:n, cumsum(Xn)/1:length(Xn), type = "l")
    hist(Xn[5000:10000], breaks = 100, 
         freq=FALSE, main = "")
    x <- seq(mu - 3 * sig, mu + 3 * sig, length = 100)
    lines(x, dnorm(x, mu, sig))
mcmc.norm(1, mu=0, sig=1, eps = 0.1)

mcmc.norm(2, mu=0, sig=1, eps = 0.1)

mcmc.norm(1, mu=20, sig=3, eps = 1)

mcmc.norm(2, mu=20, sig=3, eps = 1)

Compare this algorithm, and its implementation, with the accept-reject algorithm. Here we needed practically no calculations at all.

The are two main difficulties with the MCMC method in practice:

  1. It can take a lot of computational effort, for example if we want to generate just 1 variate at a time we still might have to generate 10000 others before the stationary distribution is reached.

  2. It can be very difficult in practice to know when the stationary distribution is reached, that is when the “burn-in” period is over. There are examples where the chain seems to have settled down for very long periods but is not actually at the stationary distribution yet.


Generate data from (X,Y) with a density uniform on

for some 0<t<1.

The lower line has points (0,0) and (1,t), so m=1/t and x=y/t, the upper line has points (0,0) and (t,1), so m=t and x=ty. Say we want to use the accept-reject algorithm, then we first need the area. Let’s add a few lines which divide it into several right triangles:


Now if we use (U,V)~U[0,1]2 as the proposal distribution we find

so in this case the accept-reject algorithm is just generating uniforms on [0,1]2 and taking those points in the area.

How can we tell that we generated the right data? Some “checks” are: a scatterplot or finding and plotting the marginals:

This is done in

rtriangle <-   function (which = 1, 
                         t = 0.8, n = 5000, eps = 0.2)  {  
  par(mfrow = c(2, 2))  
  x = matrix(0, n, 2)  
  counter = 0  
  if (which == 1) {  
   for (i in 1:n) {  
    repeat {  
      counter = counter + 1  
      U = runif(1)  
      V = runif(1)  
      if (t*V < U & U < V/t) {  
        x[i, ] = c(U, V)  
   x = x[1:n, ]  
  if (which == 2) {  
   NS = rep(0, 2)  
   x[1, ] = c(t, t)/2  
   for (i in 2:n) {  
      counter = counter + 1  
      NS = x[i - 1, ] + runif(2, -eps, eps)  
      if (t*NS[2]<NS[1] & NS[1]<NS[2]/t & 
          NS[1]>0 & NS[1]<1 & NS[2]>0 & NS[2]<1) {  
        x[i, ] = NS  
      else {  
        x[i, ] = x[i - 1, ]  
  plot(1:n, cumsum(x[, 1])/1:n, 
       type = "l", ylim = c(0,  1))  
  lines(1:n, cumsum(x[, 2])/1:n, type = "l")  
  x = x[-(1:1000), ]  
  print("Mean number of iterations until we accept:")  
  print(round(counter/n, 2))  
  plot(x, xlab = "X1", ylab = "x2")  
  segments(0, 0, 1, t, lwd = 2)  
  segments(0, 0, t, 1, lwd = 2)  
  segments(t, 1, 1, 1, lwd = 2)  
  segments(1, 1, 1, t, lwd = 2)  
  z = seq(0, 1, length = 100)  
  hist(x[, 1], breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, 
       xlab = "x1")  
  lines(z, ifelse(z<t, (1+t)/t*z, (1 - t * z)/(1 - t)))  
  hist(x[, 2], breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, xlab = "x2")  
  lines(z, ifelse(z<t, (1 + t)/t*z, (1 - t*z)/(1 - t)))  
## [1] "Mean number of iterations until we accept:"
## [1] 5.01

Now how about MCMC? Let’s generate a proposal rv as follows X=Xn+U[-ε,ε]2. Notice now we don’t need the area, we can just say f(x,y)=B if 0<x,y<1 , ty<x<y/t. So

bXqX,Xn/bXnqXn,X = qX,Xn~/qXn,X~ = 1 iff X is in the area, so we set Xn+1 =X is X is in the area, Xn+1=Xn otherwise. This is done in

## [1] "Mean number of iterations until we accept:"
## [1] 1

The Gibbs Sampler

Let’s begin with a two-stage Gibbs sampler: Say we want to generate data from a bivariate rv (X,Y) with joint pdf (density) f(x,y) We know the marginals of f and can generate variates from them. Then the Gibbs sampler works by iteratively generating observations from the conditional distributions

  1. pick initial values X (0)=x(0) and Y(0)=y(0).
  2. X(k) ~ fX|Y=y(x|y(k-1))
  3. Y (k) ~ fY|X=x(y|x(k))
  4. goto 2


say we want to generate variates from a bivariate normal (X,Y) with means 0, standard deviations 1 and correlation ρ. Then we have


This is done in gibbs1(). It is hard to imagine a much shorter program to generate this data!

gibbs.norm <- function (rho = 0, n = 10000) {
    XY = matrix(0, n, 2)
    for (i in 2:n) {
        XY[i, 1] = rnorm(1, rho * XY[i - 1, 2], sqrt(1 - rho^2))
        XY[i, 2] = rnorm(1, rho * XY[i, 1], sqrt(1 - rho^2))
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    plot(XY, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", pch = ".")
##             [,1]        [,2]
## [1,] 1.000000000 0.001351794
## [2,] 0.001351794 1.000000000

#### Example

Say we have X~Bin(n,p) and p~Beta(α,β) and and we want to know E[X] and Var[X].

This is a very typical problem in Bayesian analysis. Here p is considered a random variable with a prior distribution, which is essentially what we know about p before (“prior”) to the experiment. The experiment gives us data (X), and then we combine the prior and the data to get the posterior p|X. It was in large part the goal of making Bayesian analysis practical which has fueled the research into methods for generating data from complex distributions in the last 20 years.
To use the Gibbs sampler we need the conditional distributions of X|p and p|X. From the definition above we know

X|p ~ Bin(n,p)


so the Gibbs sampler is as follows:

  1. Choose an initial value for p, say p(0)=0.5 and set k=1
  2. X(k) ~ Bin(n,p(k-1))
  3. p(k) ~ Beta(x(k)+α,n-x(k)+β)

This is implemented in gibbs3. Here we use the following strategy to get “independent” samples: run the sampler for a short period (B=10) and then start from scratch. For each run pick the last observation.

gibbs.binom <- function (n = 10, alpha = 2, 
                         beta = 5, B = 10, M = 1000) {
    X = rep(0, M)
    for (i in 1:M) {
        p = 0.5
        for (j in 2:B) {
            X[i] = rbinom(1, n, p)
            p = rbeta(1, X[i] + alpha, n - X[i] + beta)
    c(mean(X), var(X))
## [1] 3.008000 4.366302

It can be shown that the Gibbs sampler is actually a special case of the Hastings-Metropolis algorithm!

For much more on simulation go take my course ESMA 5015: Simulation