Stationary Processes and Ergodic Theory

We have previously discussed the concept of stationarity in the context of Markov chains . We will now return to this topic.

Probability theory is only useful in real life if we can connect the theory to experiments. For example, stochastic processes always have parameters such as the intensity of a Poisson process or the variance of a Brownian motion. These parameters need to be estimated from the data. If we can collect data X1,.., Xn that is independent we have the law of large numbers to assure that

1/n∑Xi → E[X1]

But what happens if we observe one realization of a stochastic process at different time points? When can we be sure that


converges and if it does what is the limit?

A stochastic process for which a law of large numbers holds and the limit is E[X] is called ergodic.

It is intuitively clear that the sum can only converge once the process has become “stable”, so that any individual contribution X(ti) does not greatly change the total. One condition for this is given in


Let {X(t)} be a stochastic process. {X(t)} is called stationary iff for any k≥1 and h>0 the random vectors

(X(t1),..,X(tk)) and (X(t1+h),..,X(tk+h))

have the same distribution. A process that is not stationary is called evolutionary.


As we saw before Brownian Motion is a stationary process


Say {X(t);t≥0} is a Markov process with stationary distribution π.

  1. if the initial state X0 is chosen according to π the process is stationary.

  2. if the process has run long it enough it might have reached its stationary regime.


Let X be some random variable on some sample space S. Let the function φ be “measure-preserving”, that is φ maps subsets of S into subsets of S and

P(φ-1 (A)) = P(A)

Let φn be the nth iteration of φ, and define a stochastic process {Xn, n≥1} by

Xn(ω) = X(φn (ω))

Then {Xn, n≥1} is a stationary process.

This last example is rather theoretical, but also most interesting because it is essentially the only example! That is using a famous theorem called Kolmogorov’s extension theorem it can be shown that any stationary process can be expressed in this form.


in a Markov chain the mapping φ is given by the transition matrix.

Now for the main result:

Theorem (Birkhoff’s Ergodic Theorem 1931)

For any X such that E[|X|]<∞



In general it is quite difficult to prove stationarity of a stochastic process because of the requirement to hold for all k and h. Often, though it is enough to show a weaker version called covariance stationarity. To define it we begin with


Let {X(t)} be a stochastic process. Then the mean value function m and the covariance kernel K are defined as

m(t) = E[X(t)]

K(s,t) = Cov(X(s),X(t)


Let {B(t)} be Brownian motion, then we have

m(t) = 0

K(s,t) = σ2min{s,t}


Let {N(t)} be a Poisson process with intensity λ, then we have

m(t) = E[N(t)] = λt

say s<t, then

K(s,t) =

Cov(N(s),N(t) =

Cov(N(s),N(t)-N(s)+N(s)) =

Cov(N(s),N(t)-N(s)) + Cov(N(s),N(s)) = (by independent increments)

0 + Var(N(s)) = λs

and by symmetry we find

K(s,t) = λmin{s,t}

Note that the above derivation only depends on the property of independent increments, so for any such process we have

K(s,t) = Var(X(min{s,t}))


Let {N(t)} be a Poisson process with intensity λ, let L>0 and define the process X(t)=N(t+L)-N(t). So X(t) is the number of events in a time interval of length L starting at t. {X(t)} is sometimes called the Poisson increment process.


m(t) = E[X(t)] = E[N(t+L)-N(t)] = λ(t+L)- λt = λL

let s<t. If t>s+L X(t) and X(s) are independent by independent increments and so K(s,t)=0.

If s<t<s+L we find

K(s,t) =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(s), N(t+L) - N(t)] =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t) + N(t) - N(s), N(t+L) - N(t)] =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(t+L) - N(t)] + Cov[N(t) - N(s), N(t+L) - N(t)]

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(t+L) - N(t)] + 0 =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(t+L) - N(s+L) + N(s+L) - N(t)] =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(t+L) - N(s+L)] + Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(s+L) - N(t)] =

0+ Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(s+L) - N(t)] =

Cov[N(s+L) - N(t), N(s+L) - N(t)] =

Var[N(s+L) - N(t)] =


so we find

K(s,t) = λ(L-|s-t|) if |s-t|<L and 0 otherwise


a stochastic process {X(t)} is called covariance stationary if

  1. Var[X(t)]<∞ ∀t≥0

  2. K(s,t) = R(t-s)

for some function R

Sometimes the concept of covariance stationarity is also called “weakly stationary” or “second order stationary”


R(x) = Cov[X(t),X(t+x)]


the Poisson increment process is covariance stationary with R(x) = λ(L-|x|) if |x|<L and 0 otherwise

Before we can continue we need a definition from real analysis


let {an} be a sequence of real numbers. The sequence is said to converge in Cesaro means if

1/n∑an → 0

It can be shown that ordinary convergence implies convergence in Cesaro means but not vice versa


let an = (-1)n then clearly an does not converge but

|1/n∑an| ≤ 1/n → 0

We can now proof the following ergodic theorem:


Let (Xn,n=1,2,..} be a stochastic process with covariance kernel K(s,t) such that

Var[Xn] ≤ K0 for all n

Let Mn=1/n∑Xi be the nth sample mean and let

C(n) = Cov[Xn ,Mn]


limn→∞C(n) = 0 iff limn→∞Var[Mn] = 0


  1. C(n) = Cov[Xn ,Mn] =Cov[Xn ,1/n∑Xi ] = 1/n∑Cov[Xn ,Xi] = 1/n∑K(i,n)

  2. if the process is covariance stationary

C(n) = 1/n∑K(i,n) = 1/n∑R(i-n) = 1/n∑R(i)

so the theorem says that the sequence is ergodic iff R(n) converges in Cesaro means, which will follow if we can show ordinary convergence

Now to the


limn→∞Var[Mn] = 0 ⇒ limn→∞C(n) = 0

This follows directly from the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality:

limn→∞C(n) = 0 ⇒ limn→∞Var[Mn] = 0

we start with

and so we need to show that


{B(t),t≥0} standard Brownian motion, then

Var[B(t)] = t

is unbounded and so the theorem does not apply, even so we know from the theory of Markov processes that Brownian motion is ergodic


Let {X(t)} be a Poisson increment process with intensity λ and lag L, then

R(k) = λ(L-k) if k <L and 0 otherwise

Var[X(t)] = R(0) = λL = K0 < ∞


C(n) =

1/n∑R(i) =

1/n [ R(1) +..+ R(n) ] =

1/n [ R(1) +..+ R(L) ] → 0 as n→∞

and so this process is ergodic