R Programing Language and User-Written Functions

As we already said, R is also a progamming language with all the usual parts. First throughout this page let x=c(1,2,5,3,4,7,3,4,6,8,5)


The most common loop is a "for" loop:

for(i in 1:5) y[i]=mean(sample(x,3))

If a number of calculations should be done within a loop use { }:

for(i in 1:5) {

Loops can be nested:

for(i in 1:5)
 for(j in 1:2) y[i,j]=mean(sample(x,c(2,3)[j]))

loops also work with other datatypes:

for(i in z) print(i)

Another useful loop is "repeat":

repeat {
 if(x>0.5) break

Control Structures

if-else Statement

performs branched excecution:

for(i in 1:11) {
 if(x[i]<3)  y[i]=0
 else y[i]=1

An extension of an if-else is the case statement

ifelse Statement

Sometimes the above can be simplified:


User-Written Functions

Example write a function that calculates x3-x2+5

f=function(x) {x^3-x^2+5}

Notice that this function is "vectorized", for example


sometimes this takes a bit of work

Example write a function that calculates that cumulative sum, so x1, x2, ..,xn results in x1, x1+x2, .., x1+x2+..+xn

cs=function (x) {
   for(i in 2:n) x[i]=x[i]+x[i-1]

(Actually, there already is one, called cumsum)

Writing your own functions is a very important part of using R, for example to do simulations and also to do data analysis. If a function has more than one or two lines it is best to use an editor. You should install a good ASCII editor on you computer, for example notepad2.exe, a very nice editor for programming. In R you need to type the following sequence so that R knows you want to use this editor:


(change the path to the directory where notepad2 is)

Now when you type


R will open this editor and you can write your function. When you are done type ALT-f-s (to save) and Alt-f-x (to exit the editor). If your program has a syntax mistake R will give you an error message (with the line where the mistake is). Type


to fix the mistake.

Example write a little function that calculates the five-number summary of a vector:


function (x)