Professor: Dr. Wolfgang Rolke
The web address is
The official prontuario for the course is available from the usual site or directly from here. If there is any difference between the prontuario and the information on the webpage use the webpage.
Time and Place: Tuesday, Thursday 3:30 - 4:45am Chardon 115A
Textbook: Just the Essentials of Elementary Statistics, Robert Johnson (highly recommended but not required)
Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday 12:00 - 2pm OF407
Wednesday 1:30-3:00pm via email
email: wolfgang[dot]rolke[at]upr[dot]edu
when you send me an email ALWAYS start the subject line with ESMA3015
All quizzes and exams will be done using moodle. To get to the quizzes go to, log on with your UPR ID and password.
The first time use the enrollment key: Esma 3015
Attendance will be done via moodle as well.
If you want to pass, here is what you should expect to do: